Making Money | The Gift of Time

The Joy of Making Money
Beyond the Illusion

All of us enjoy having money; it was Ben Franklin who said, “Anyone who says you cannot buy happiness, does not know how to spend his money.”

Then there was P.T. Barnum who said, “Money is a wonderful slave but a terrible master.”

When we were younger, we operated under the illusion that we couldn’t wait to get a job so that we would have the freedom to do all the wonderful things that our imaginations would allow us to dream up. Even today, we all love having money and we love what money can buy and what doors money can open for us. But, sooner or later we come to the realization that we hate what hoops we have to jump through in order to generate money.

Most of us dislike waking up Monday morning and anguishing about going to work - the difficulties of the commute, the separation anxiety of leaving your children in someone else’s care.

Perhaps it’s the flip side that’s aggravating - doing what you really like, but not getting paid what you're really worth. Or, we have another option, and that is risking everything and going out on your own to develop your own business.

Many of us become so dependent upon exchanging our precious hours for dollars that if our income is disrupted for even a short period, we become quite stressed. Even owning a business doesn’t guarantee freedom. Owning a business often creates more of a dependency in being tied to it for survival.

There is a solution; making money doesn’t have to be drudgery. I can personally say this from my own experience. Right now you have the ability, as I did five years ago, to get involved with and work along side a dynamic group of entrepreneurs. Make a fortune if you’re inclined. Have the time for the people and things that are important to you, and at the same time, make a HUGE contribution to the health of the people on this planet.

Let me clarify how I got involved with the Heights Group and USANA Health Sciences.

I’ve had my search firm for over 22 years. And I still enjoy what I’m doing which is an exciting thing to be able to say.

Not long ago, I wanted to take my business to the next level. But then I came to the realization that I am limited with what I would be able to do personally without expanding again which of course would mean I’d have to make a pile of personal sacrifices.

What I actually wanted was more income and less involvement so I could spend more time with my family and friends, traveling, playing tennis, golfing, skiing, sailing, and so on.

So, I started looking for a project that could create revenue without doubling my workload. Just a minor investment in time and cash would afford me cash and freedom. I can accurately say that I made a wise choice.

What I wanted was leverage. Let me try to give you an example of what I mean by leverage. Have you ever wished for one more of you to complete your projects throughout the day? Well, I now have leverage maximized much further than I ever could have imagined.

After much research, I found what I was looking for. There is a blueprint, a crystal clear path here, unlike the twisted maze offered by corporate America. We are looking for people who have the wisdom to choose a new path and the initiative to take it.

We work on 120-day projects that depend on partnerships with well-grounded people. We look for people who want to be a part of a high-performance team.

We are looking for responsible, coachable people with an entrepreneurial bent, who are resourceful and wish to change things. Action people not Wannabes.

Do you feel that the corporate ladder you have been climbing may be leaning on the wrong wall?

Or maybe the vehicle (career) you have been using is not working fast enough or efficiently enough to get you to your desired goals.

Having money is awfully fun, but making it can be enjoyable as well.

The Gift of Time